Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Now the law's involved

It's not just me that thinks the Finnish paper makers are behaving in a manner befitting a Dickensian mill owner, the Finnish Minster of justice does too, as this extract from Chemical News and Intelligence shows:

LONDON (CNI)--Finland’s minister of justice Johannes Koskinen has criticised Finnish paper factory employers for their uncompromising action in declaring a lock-out of pulp and paper workers.

His intervention in the industry's pay dispute was made ahead of new negotiations on Wednesday between paper workers' trade union Pappersförbundet and employer organisation Skogsindustrin (Federation of the Finnish Paper Industry).

In a column in Finnish newspaper Turun Sanomat, Koskinen said a third party should be brought in to solve the dispute. He added that negotiations over a longer period would be more constructive than strikes, lock-outs and a ban on overtime. Finland’s minister of justice Johannes Koskinen has criticised Finnish paper factory employers for their uncompromising action in declaring a lock-out of pulp and paper workers.

Wilson Partners and Wilson Partners LP

This appeared in Plastics News, a US publication with stong journalism and is probably right. Its enough of a coincidence to be true.

By Frank Esposito
Contrary to a story that appeared on the Web site of one of India’s largest newspapers, there is no connection between President Bush’s youngest brother and one of the firms that trumped an Iranian bid to buy global poly­proylene leader Basell Polyolefins.
A May 6 story on the Calcutta (India) Telegraph Web site linked Winston Partners, a McLean, Va., investment firm founded by presidential sibling Marvin Bush, with Chatterjee Group, the New York firm that teamed with Access Industries Inc. to buy Basell in a $5.7 billion deal announced May 5.
While it’s true that a Winston Partners LP is part of Chatterjee Group, that firm is not related to Marvin Bush’s Winston Partners, according to Chatterjee Chief Financial Officer John Flanagan.
“You wouldn’t believe the calls I’ve been getting,” he said in a May 10 phone interview. “There’s no connection between [Chatterjee Group] and the Bush family,” he said. “It’s a total coincidence that there are two entities using the name Winston Partners.”

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