Asian Chemical Connections
If you're into the world of chemicals in Asia, then you might want to check out John Richardson's Asian Chemicals Connections blog...
An Insider writes about the vital, but often overlooked chemicals industry
If you're into the world of chemicals in Asia, then you might want to check out John Richardson's Asian Chemicals Connections blog...
EuroChlor, the part of Cefic which represents the chlorine sector has decided it is going to tell the 40 000 people who live in Brussels, Belgium and work at European insititutions about the products that Chlorine makes possible through three stylish posters. They feature an astronaut with a polycarbonate vistor, polyurethane soled shoes and solar panels. None of these things contain chlorine, but you couldn't make them with out it.
Hi there,
My worries about the effect on the US economy of Hurrican Katrina is further strengthened today by this story in today's Financial Times. It suggests that the uninsured losses in New Orleans coudl be between $65 billion and $85 billion.
The visa application is in, the Embassy was expecting me (thanks BASF) and I collect my entry ticket on Friday next week. We are off on 25 September.
One question that will be important in the coming weeks and months is: how will Hurricane Katrina affect the mindset of indebted American consumers? These consumers have been spending more than they saved for many years and this has helped to drive the global economy along.